Mirror Menace, also known as Keen 10 is the first episode of the Dimensional Chaos trilogy that follows Keen 9: Battle of the Brains. It’s the first Keen 6 mod made by Szemigi . The story continues where Battle of the Brains left off. After saving the universe from Mortimer McMire Keen made his way back to home with his friends. They were flying when Lt. Barker told Keen a blue vortex is coming behind them. Unfortunately, it sucked them in and after a short landing they founded themselves on a planet that’s similar to Shikadus I.
From http://www.shikadi.net/keenwiki/Keen_10:_Mirror_Menace
Tag: Let’s Play
Let’s Play NEStalgia with Potamus
I’ll be playing this game with Potamus.
“NEStalgia is an original MORPG inspired by the glory days of traditional console RPGs. Essentially “Dragon Warrior 3 meets World of Warcraft”, NEStalgia is an amalgam of the best generations of RPG gaming.
Players wage classic turn based battles in multiplayer parties while enjoying modern trappings such as a full-featured quest system. Those who prefer to go solo can recruit almost any monster in the game to fight alongside them as they explore every nook and cranny of NEStalgia’s expansive 8-bit world.”
From Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/249550
Let’s Play Commander Keen’s Valentine’s Bash
It is the eve of Valentine’s Day and all is not well. Keen’s best friend, Johnny Dash, has been struck lovesick, another victim of the pernicious holiday! That evening, after an exhausting few hours of work in his backyard clubhouse, Keen receives an ominous message from a mysterious source. The evil Count Chuck has risen once again to afflict the world, and this time Johnny Dash is under his spell! Only Keen stands between earth and the undead hordes. Supplied with a magic slingshot and his wits, Keen must do battle with the unholy armies of the Count to save his town, the world, his friend and even… Valentine’s Day