Let’s Play FarSky 08: Submarine Part, Submariner Repairman

In this episode, I find the fifth part of the submarine and I also figure out the repair tool by repairing that leaky, derelict of a base I came across several episodes ago. I receive a transmission about a giant octopus, but I see no such thing, very foreboding.
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Let’s Play FarSky 07: Doubled Droids

In the course of checking my extractors I encounter and repair another droid. That’s two spear shooting, milling-about-like-pillbugs machines orbiting me. How very exciting.
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Let’s Play FarSky 06: Deep Ocean Free Range Potato Farming

In this exciting episode I place another extractor in deeper water and push the limits of my air tanks grabbing another piece of the submarine. That’s 4 of 9 pieces!
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